Businesswoman. Community Leader. Mom.

A proven and nationally recognized leader at the helm of the City of Carmel, Mayor Sue Finkam is pioneering a new era of prosperity and community cohesion in this thriving urban community in Central Indiana, ranked one of the most livable mid-size U.S. cities. With a commitment to innovation, stability and inclusivity, Mayor Finkam is reshaping the city’s relationship with its citizens and fostering an environment where all residents and businesses can thrive.

A long-time resident of Carmel, Mayor Finkam has a deep-rooted connection to the community and a keen understanding of its unique needs and aspirations, having served 10 years on the Carmel City Council in various leadership roles and launching her own full-service marketing agency, FireStarter, LLC, in the city. As a direct extension of this experience, Mayor Finkam will focus her leadership on enhancing quality of place, increasing community engagement and ensuring excellent city services for all residents and businesses.

Under her leadership, the City of Carmel has already undergone a visible shift in how it puts people at the center of projects and initiatives and engages the community in new ways. Exemplifying these efforts are the housing study launched in early 2024 to identify gaps in residential needs and the Community Survey, designed to partner with residents and businesses and learn more about their priorities and concerns. Through strategic partnerships with local businesses, educational institutions and civic organizations, Mayor Finkam is similarly focused on supporting the local economy, creating job opportunities and attracting new talent to the region.

After earning her undergraduate degree at Central Michigan University and her Master of Science at Indiana Wesleyan, Mayor Finkam settled in Carmel with her husband, Joe, and raised their son, Drew, where she co-founded LetsTalkCarmel.com, a City of Carmel community transparency portal, and Carmel Porchfest, a music festival held on front porches north of Main Street. She has been named an Enterprising Women of the Year Award Honoree and a Woman of Influence by the Indianapolis Business Journal. She was also awarded the 2023 Universal Womens Network Vision Builder Award.

With her bold vision and a deep commitment to her community, Mayor Finkam continues to lead into a future for Carmel filled with promise and possibility for all its citizens and the business community and to build a stronger, more resilient city for generations to come.



I will find innovative ways to solve old problems and tackle new challenges – a hallmark of my executive leadership style.


I will seek out ways to collaborate with residents, businesses, community groups and others to position Carmel for success.


I will work to diligently to unite community members to ensure everyone participates in Carmel’s success.


I will partner with employees to set a course for success that builds on our previous wins and takes us to newer heights.


I wanted the challenge of growing my own business, and decided to begin in 2021 in the middle of the pandemic. I am extremely proud that we have experienced tremendous growth in our first couple of years. What began as a consultancy of one is now a team of eight exceptionally talented team members doing meaningful work for mission-driven organizations. For more information you can visit www.firestarterllc.com.

I helped implement cultural and operational changes while leading 25 marketing and outreach team members and four brands, including TxJet, Donate Life Indiana and Driven2SaveLives. As a result of generous Hoosiers and the entire Indiana Donor Network team, I'm proud to have helped save and improve thousands of lives through organ, tissue and eye donation.

I was the first employee hired for this new North American headquarters, manufacturing facility and distribution center. I oversaw human resources, safety and administration, and helped hire and onboard hundreds of team members. I am incredibly proud to have helped grow this organization to over 350 team members that packaged baby food and fed millions of infants each year. I am also really pleased that we could be a part of the Lebanon community and provide hundreds of workers good paying jobs after many had struggled to weather the recession.

I was on the leadership team that opened Clarian Health North, which was Clarian Health's first entree into the north suburban market. I oversaw marketing, patient satisfaction and customer service, and implemented meaningful partnerships that endure today. I was later asked to take on the role of Director of Statewide Marketing, Sponsorships and Events, working with 13 of the 16 hospitals across the state and organizations such as the Colts, Pacers, Indians, Zoo, Children's Museum and more. I am also exceptionally proud to have helped lead the massive rebrand of Clarian Health to Indiana University Health.

Awards, Recognition, Honors

Enterprising Women of the Year Award Honoree – 2023 Champion

The Enterprising Women of the Year Awards is the magazine’s annual celebration of the world’s top women entrepreneurs. The event is co-hosted by some of the country’s top corporations. It generates international media attention for the award winners and sponsoring companies who are a part of this very special event. Now in its 21st year, the program recognizes top women entrepreneurs in categories that include women business owners with revenues up to $1 million annually, over $1 million and up to $5 million, over $5 million and up to $10 million, over $10 million and up to $25 million, over $25 million and up to $100 million, and over $100 million in annual revenues. 

Woman of Influence – Indianapolis Business Journal, 2022

This award recognizes local women from both the public and private sectors who have demonstrated professional excellence and leadership in their careers and community service.

Specifically, the Woman of Influence award recognizes women who are influential in their company or industry, have a solid reputation based on their experience, integrity, leadership, and have a track record of accomplishment.

Tobias Fellowship, Indiana University

Tobias Fellows program is nationally recognized for its leadership development program. It prepares leaders for 21st century challenges, and empowers them to develop people, organizations and communities who can solve complex problems.

The fellowship experience progresses through carefully selected lessons and experiences that ultimately culminate in mastering five key leadership competencies.

Stanley K Lacy Executive Leadership Program

Each class year, 25 individuals are selected to participate in this highly competitive program, which seeks to expand the ranks of community leaders by teaching and motivating members to address the needs of central Indiana.

Class members are chosen because of their significant community involvement and professional achievement; their demonstrated interest in community issues; a record of participation and achievement in voluntary community activities; and their willingness to expand their leadership role in the community.

The Campaign School at Yale – Yale University

The Campaign School at Yale has one mission: increase the number and influence of women in elected and appointed office in the United States and around the globe. We are a nonpartisan, issue-neutral political campaign-training program.

The Campaign School at Yale provides the very best training in the world for individuals who want to run for office or run a political campaign. An intense, boot-camp-style program is designed to teach the strategies essential to successful campaigns. Our curriculum is taught by the best, most experienced campaign operatives in the business.

Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series

Designed to develop and train, the Lugar Series strives to increase the number and influence of Republican women in elected and appointed positions at the local, state and federal levels.

Through a competitive selection process, the Lugar Series invites outstanding Hoosier women to take part in this leadership program. Each class is composed of distinguished women from various backgrounds and industries, who are committed to bettering their communities and advancing the GOP agenda. 

Indy’s Best and Brightest – Healthcare Finalist

Indy’s Best and Brightest was created by Junior Achievement of Central Indiana to recognize up-and-coming talent and the next generation of leaders in our community. Indy’s Best & Brightest finalists serve as excellent role models to Junior Achievement students and youth in our community.

The event honors 100 of central Indiana’s most outstanding young professionals in 10 different industries. Finalists are judged on professional accomplishments and leadership qualities.

Gail Weldon Award of Excellence- National Athletic Trainers Association

The Gail Weldon Award of Excellence recognizes one athletic trainer in the United States each year who has displayed an exceptional commitment to mentoring, professional development and life balancing for women athletic trainers or significant contributions to improve the health care of females provided by athletic trainers.

Athletic Trainer Service Award – National Athletic Trainers Association

The Athletic Trainer Service award recognizes NATA members for their contributions to the athletic training profession as a volunteer at the local and state levels. ATSA recipients have been involved in professional associations, community organizations, grassroots public relations efforts and service as a volunteer athletic trainer.

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